R&R Productions


Did you know that River & Rail does more than just live theatre? What can we say, we just love good stories! 

As 2020 forced us to embrace the limitations of making art in a pandemic, we’ve had a lot of fun expanding our digital media content. We invite you to share in this new adventure with us, and let us know what resonates with you as we post more of our digital explorations here over the next few months!



What does an actor, a musician, an artist do during a pandemic? Audiences are gone, theatres are dark, stages are silent. Yet, our nation is bursting at the seams with passion, rage, and a need to be heard. What does an artist with no livelihood do? How do we keep the stories alive? Nineteen artists across the country, from Tennessee to New York to California grapple with these questions in a very personal way as they film themselves doing life in a pandemic…met by a Civil Rights revolution…met by a major presidential election. Who will tell our stories?




We’ve never publicly released our first short film from 2017 before – but’s it’s available NOW! 

Click here for tickets and information!

There is an early American folk legend that says that the whip-poor-will, a northeastern bird, has a sense for death’s arrival and can capture a soul as it departs.

A powerful partnership with Vessul Creative and Winner of the Best Short Film at the 2018 Knoxville Film Festival, The Whippoorwill was River & Rail’s first foray into the world of film. The original script by Amelia Peterson tells the story of one young father forced to grapple with the reality of death, choosing between a battle to the bitter end or a graceful acceptance of the “visitor” who eventually comes for us all.

2017 Knoxville Film Festival
TN10 Best of the Best Filmmaking Challenge
Best Actress in a Leading Role: Aurora Florence
Best Film: Dir. Tyler Hays
1st Place Tennessee Film Narrative: Dir. Tyler Hays

2018 Nashville Film Festival
Official Selection